Saturday, December 09, 2006

Bonjour, it's been a while since I penned down my thoughts. It's not like I haven't been having any, au contraire there have been many, several of them probably worth my time to pen them down, however I was preoccupied. Diplomatic way of saying being lazy, you say huh, well, writer writes when he wants to, not because he has to. Well enough rambling about nothing, I am beginning to sound like a management guy and I prefer (atleast now) to be on the other side.

I made some changes to the template, added a link to blogs which I read intermittently as they are updated at same or slower intervals. So I offer this section to anyone who wishes to increase his blog's pagerank and offer a reasonable renumeration for the same. Saurie, are you listening ?

Anyways, for some time I have been considering trying my hand at writing stories. If you recognize yourself as one of the characters, it's probably not exactly a coincidence. When will it actually see the light of the day ? Well it's anybody's guess as it is mine...

-Au revoir

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Corrupted Heap Error :( Sigh.....hope tomm is little better....


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Believe it or not, it takes serious time commitment to write piece of text which is readable, especially by you in some near or distant future. If these words dont bring back the same thoughts which seem to be emanating when I put them down, whole exercise would be kind of futile.

This whole IM thing is getting to me without saying too much about SMS'es. I am not much of a (understatement of the year) SMS fan. Stresses my tiny little brain out 2 rd smting lk ts n mk nytin ot f it.

Blog are spaces where you don't have to mince characters, there is no hurry to press send, no serious bandwidth issues, no charges for extra words- musings by you; for you and if someone cares to indulge, yup for you too.

Randomly switching thoughts...

So in a few (to be precise 4) I will be back in corn-sville, and I am kind of looking forward to it. These past few weeks have been little occupied but also lot of fun but then its time to slip into cofortable, laid back, academic lifestyle.

But now, slumber-land is my calling...and dreams my abode...


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Last week (that was when I started writing the blog) I was in washington DC visiting National Institute of Standards and Technology and they had sort of museum of micro processors with oldest one being 486. Imagine that, 486 being the oldest. I still have my 8086 (I am getting older :( ) lying in the attic somwhere. A trip down the memory lane got us discussing the first ever computer we ever used.

It sounds archaic but surprisingly its only about two decades ago when popular computers did not even have a monitor, they had to be connected to TV. I remember our first ZX Spectrum 48..That 48 stands for 48 K of memory it had, and believe it or not; with no harddisk. One could use tapes (yes audio ones) to save your data via tape recorder. They had games even then, "go to hell" is the only one I remember :). Couple of my chinese friends got nostalgic over their Commodore which was release in 1982 (Thank you Wikipedia..) and Apple's, not very popular in India.

Then came our 8086, with 640K of memory and 30 MB of hard drive running on age old MS-DOS. But then, lets not get too geeky here....


ps: spell check feature doesnt seem to work...and this is a Google product...Is anyone listening...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This day or rather yesterday surely deserves a place in my blog lest I forget it ;). Yesterday I happened to meet; the richest man in the world, chief software architect of Microsoft, Mr. Bill Gates or billg (his microsoft alias) as he his commonly known here.

It's an annual thing when interns go to his place for a Barbeque. His house though not quite an epitome of grandiose is a sight in itself. Situated next to lake washington, surrounded by dense foliage, greenhouses spread around, huge garage, wall mounted plasma screens displaying Van Gogh's and like.....well he is the richest man so this is expected what is unexpected is his nonchalantness about his position. Difficult to digest that he probably has the one of the largest legal division :). Avid reader....has read the entire enclyopedia (from horse's mouth...)..loves Math..did not take a CS class in Harvard....Bill G an icon on the technology warfront.

Its a day to look forward to by interns and for Bill G...well he atleast got a blog from me...


These views are not in any way endorsed by Microsoft. (you never know....)

Monday, June 05, 2006

After long hibernation, here I am back to blogging..why..well way of communicating with friends who you would like to be in touch with.. plus I have always wanted to explore my writing skills and this seems to be it and lastly...reading your old blogs gives you sublimal pleasure not expressed in words...

so here's to blogging...cheers....

Familiarity breeds contempt - and children
- Mark Twain